Discover natural beauty and charm with Natural Straight Women's Baldness Covering Wig, a premium product from Made from 100% Vietnamese human hair, this product feels silky and natural. With 4D Super Skin lace design and 150% hair thickness, this wig is the perfect choice for a modern and elegant style. Hair Type: 100% Vietnamese Human Hair - Female Baldness Covering Wig is made from real hair, soft and natural. Hair Thickness: 150% - Ensures ideal thickness for naturally straight hair. Button Type: Reversed Dual Button - Increases durability and comfort when worn. How to Part: Natural Side - Easy to style on any side, suitable for all styles. Origin: Vietnam - High quality products from real hair sources. Weight: 80gr - Light and comfortable to use. Hair Length : 8 inches - Ideal for naturally straight hairstyles. Durability: Depending on care, usually 1 to 2 years - High quality female baldness wigs are durable and easy to care for.
Women's Baldness Covering Wig with Natural Straight Real Hair - Product Code: BW30001S1213
Loại da Siêu da 4D Chất liệu Tóc thật 100% người Việt Mật độ tóc 150% Loại nút Nút kép đảo ngược Cách rẽ ngôi Ngôi tự nhiên, dễ dàng tạo kiểu về bất kỳ phía nào Nguồn gốc Việt Nam Chiều dài 11 - 20 inch Trọng lượng 80 gram Độ bền Phụ thuộc vào cách chăm sóc, thường từ 1 đến 2 năm